Sleep Deprived Podcast
Debate Stats
Debates Won
133 Burgers or Hotdogs or Pizza Pizza
124 Apple Juice vs. Orange Juice Apple Juice
102 Watch a movie all night or get 8 hours of sleep? 8 hours of sleep
95 Dogs vs. Cats Cats
92 Family Guy vs. American Dad Family Guy
91 Crack vs. Heroin Heroin
86 iPhone vs. Android iPhone
85 5 Guys vs. McDonalds 5 Guys
81 Xbox360 vs. PS3 Xbox 360
128 Drinking/Sciencing/Bathing Sciencing
104 The whale vs. the Mario movie The whale
102 Watch a movie all night or get 8 hours of sleep? 8 hours of sleep
95 Dogs vs. Cats Cats
94 Rare Steak vs Cooked Steak Cooked Steak
91 Crack vs. Heroin Heroin
90 Did the Call-In Listeners like the Chat GPT Speach? Chat GPT ?
88 Giants vs. Commanders Giants
85 5 Guys vs. McDonalds 5 Guys
83 Kill Apandah or Spare Him Kill Him
80 Candy Corn vs. m&ms Candy Corn
79 Is Murder Good or Bad Bad
78 Paintball vs. Airsoft Paintball
76 Cake vs. Pie Pie
74 Hot Fries (Crispy) vs. Soggy Fries Hot Fries (Crispy)
96 Temple Run vs. Subway Surfers Temple Run
95 Dogs vs. Cats Cats
94 Rare Steak vs Cooked Steak Cooked Steak
91 Crack vs. Heroin Heroin
90 Did the Call-In Listeners like the Chat GPT Speach? Chat GPT ?
88 Giants vs. Commanders Giants
86 iPhone vs. Android iPhone
83 Kill Apandah or Spare Him Kill Him
82 Red vs. Blue Blue
81 Xbox360 vs. PS3 Xbox 360
80 Candy Corn vs. m&ms Candy Corn
79 Is Murder Good or Bad Bad
77 Nickelodeon vs. Cartoon Network Cartoon Network
76 Cake vs. Pie Pie
75 Cigarette Smell vs. Gasoline Smell Gasoline Smell
74 Hot Fries (Crispy) vs. Soggy Fries Hot Fries (Crispy)
133 Burgers or Hotdogs or Pizza Pizza
124 Apple Juice vs. Orange Juice Apple Juice
104 The whale vs. the Mario movie The whale
103 Fake Drake & Fake Drake or Josh & Josh (Tree)) Josh & Josh (Tree)
96 Temple Run vs. Subway Surfers Temple Run
92 Family Guy vs. American Dad Family Guy
91 Crack vs. Heroin Heroin
88 Giants vs. Commanders Giants
87 Fire vs. Grass vs. Water type pokemon Water
82 Red vs. Blue Blue
80 Candy Corn vs. m&ms Candy Corn
79 Is Murder Good or Bad Bad
78 Paintball vs. Airsoft Paintball
77 Nickelodeon vs. Cartoon Network Cartoon Network